

Drupal 9 with Composer and Lando

Drupal 9 with Composer and Lando

Published at Jun 6, 2022

Writen by Thagichu Anthony


This guide will help setup Drupal 9 with composer and initialize lando for your local development.

You will need to have installed composer in your system, to check if you have composer installed

composer --version

You will also need to install lando

lando --version

Step 1: Create a Drupal 9 project with composer

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project webform-content-creator

Step 2: Add Lando to your Drupal 9 project

cd webform-content-creator

lando init

? From where should we get your app's codebase? current working directory
? What recipe do you want to use? drupal9
? Where is your webroot relative to the init destination? web
? What do you want to call this app? Webform Content Creator

lando start

You will now need the database name, database password and host name.

lando info


Composer and Lando have really made easy for drupal developers to setup a development dev

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